Monday, July 31, 2017

Why NICE GUYS Finish LAST With Women, Why MORE MEN THAN EVER Are Kissing Up To Women, And What YOU Should Do Instead

I want to explain something of VITAL importance, which is the DEEP PSYCHOLOGICAL REASON for WHY it's important to not kiss up to women. It has to do with MORE than just being "masculine"; it actually has to do with the way HUMANS are HARD-WIRED:

"Nice guys" in the generic sense aren't even really nice at all. They're doing things that they WOULDN'T normally do-they're going OUT OF THEIR WAY to put themselves last when it comes to trying to please women, and it ONLY bites them in the butt.

BEYOND the scientific "cognitive dissonance" reason I explained in the video, kissing up to women ALSO simply goes AGAINST the entire PRIMAL, VISCERAL, SEXUAL image she has of the kind of man she WANTS to be with sexually.

And this is ALSO science as well-it's part of EVOLUTIONARY PSYCHOLOGY.  

But guess what? Even though this is all true, we have MORE MEN THAN EVER that STILL KISS UP to women.

The reason for this is POLITICAL CORRECTNESS.

Men are TRULY bombarded from BIRTH these days with ENDLESS messages from the media and from feminist organizations that men are IDIOTS, that women are SUPERIOR MORALLY, that men are RAPISTS, that women are TRAUMATIZED by the very THOUGHT of a man even thinking sexually about them.

So OF COURSE this results in a society where men really THINK they are supposed to kiss up and to REPRESS their very interest in women, at least to real women-which is part of what probably drives a lot of men to ONLY live in a FANTASY world when it comes to women, i.e. porn or video games or virtual reality or "cam girls".

And yet, the REALITY of what attracts women has remained the SAME for THOUSANDS OF YEARS.  Political correctness tries to ERASE TRUTH, to ERASE REALITY, and it tries to REPRESS your very AUTHENTIC MASCULINE NATURE.  Your very INTEREST in women!!!!!

This is why I created my program Politically Incorrect Pickup, which I SERIOUSLY suggest you download IMMEDIATELY as your ANTIDOTE against all this politically correct insanity that is DESTROYING your ability with women.  Politically Incorrect Pickup is an absolute NECESSITY for ANY man living in North America, the UK, Western Europe, or Australia. 

Download it IMMEDIATELY at:

Till next time,

Michael Marks    

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Stop Thinking You're Not "Good Enough" To Attract Women

Have you EVER felt, when seeing a woman you were CRAZY about, that you just "weren't good enough" for her? That you didn't "have the value" to get her????

Well, let me OBLITERATE that fear from your mind FOREVER, because what women get turned ON by is DIFFERENT in its very NATURE than what MEN get turned on by. 

Allow me to explain with a quote from Michael Castleman, M.A.: 

Romance novels are often called "porn for women." Porn is all about sexual fantasies. In porn for men, the fantasy is sexual abundance--eager women who can't get enough and have no interest in a relationship. In porn for women as depicted in romance novels, the fantasy is to be desired so much that the man loses all control, though he never actually hurts the woman, and in the end, marries her.

For women, the fantasy is to be desired to an extraordinary degree. 

Allow me to elaborate with this important video:

As you can see, knowing the RIGHT information about women and attraction is the key to success with women, whether it is how to approach women, how to attract them, how to create the connection, how to solve a relationship issue, or any other aspect of your interaction with women.  

There is no other aspect of a man's life that has such a powerful effect on his entire life, including his health, his emotions, and his finances. The RIGHT woman OPTIMIZES your performance in every part of your life, and the WRONG woman destroys you in every one of those aspects. Getting this part of your life handled is absolutely VITAL. 

I've spent my life immersed in this field, and I guarantee you that I will get you the results you want with women.  Take advantage of my exclusive, private, one-on-one telephone or Skype coaching today.  You will see how my experience and insight will make an IMMEDIATE and MASSIVE difference in your success with women.  

When you receive coaching from me, each hour you spend with me will save you approximately one YEAR of time, energy, and painful emotions learning the hard way. And to be honest, most men will NEVER learn this stuff on their own, because the right information is simply NOT out there. 

So how much is each year of your LIFE worth to you?

To book a consultation with me, email me the details of when would work best for you, and what method would work best for you-telephone or Skype.  My email is:

For more details about how you can benefit from this personalized coaching service, go here:

Till next time,

Michael Marks    

Saturday, July 29, 2017

What Women Want MORE Than The "Alpha-Male PUA" - Plus SEVEN NEW VIDEOS!

You are in for a real treat today, with SEVEN truly KICK-BUTT new videos that will get you in HIGH GEAR for attracting amazing, quality women!   

The FIRST gets us off to a roaring start with the most IMPORTANT aspect for attracting women both in the INITIAL pick-up AND for the long-term attraction as well. The IRONY is that this very skill is something that the "seduction community" and "PUA" community tends to "POO-POO" and mock as being "beta" when in reality it is the LIFEBLOOD of success for attracting women:

Of course, the fact that the entire PUA community "poo-poos" this idea and underestimates it does not surprise me, as the entire PUA community ALSO thought for many years that pick up lines and memorized routines were the best way to attract women, as evidenced by the content and popularity of the book "The Game", which was all about pick-up lines and memorized routines--and is now completely DISCREDITED in terms of having any relevance to being the best way to attract women at all.  

Even the author HIMSELF rejects those ideas and has gone on record as such.

And, even while the entire community of PUAs (pick up artists) and dating "gurus" in that book SWORE by those methods, I was teaching my students something very different; I was teaching them how to ACTUALLY attract women with far superior skills and insights into attraction, using concepts, tools, and strategies such as the ones you are learning here. 

So once again, in time, the entire PUA community will eventually adopt what I am teaching you here today-things that my students have been learning from me since long before "The Game" was ever written. The PUA community just won't acknowledge that it was me who they learned it from. 

Anyway, NEXT we move onto a CRUCIAL point about creating a deep sense of CONNECTION with a woman, and the great part about this is how EASY it is and how IMPORTANT it is. 

It's about giving a woman that sense of being able to just CHILL with you and feel RELAXED around you.  Without THIS, there is NO WAY ON EARTH she can feel comfortable enough to escalate to greater levels of intimacy.

Now, have you EVER felt, when seeing a woman you were CRAZY about, that you just "weren't good enough" for her? That you didn't "have the value" to get her????

Well, let me OBLITERATE that fear from your mind FOREVER, because what women get turned ON by is DIFFERENT in its very NATURE than what MEN get turned on by. 

Allow me to explain with a quote from Michael Castleman, M.A.: 

Romance novels are often called "porn for women." Porn is all about sexual fantasies. In porn for men, the fantasy is sexual abundance--eager women who can't get enough and have no interest in a relationship. In porn for women as depicted in romance novels, the fantasy is to be desired so much that the man loses all control, though he never actually hurts the woman, and in the end, marries her.

For women, the fantasy is to be desired to an extraordinary degree. 

Allow me to elaborate with this next video!

Next, I want to explain something of VITAL importance, which is the DEEP PSYCHOLOGICAL REASON for WHY it's important to not kiss up. It has to do with MORE than just being "masculine"; it actually has to do with the way HUMANS are HARD-WIRED:

"But WAIT! There's MORE!" :)

In my NEXT video for you, I get into something a little UNPOPULAR in our POLITICALLY-CORRECT society that loves to BASH AND DESTROY all the traditional values on which our entire CIVILIZATION was built.

I explain how there may really be no such thing as "casual sex".  Aristotle used to believe that when a woman has sex with a man, then even if she later has sex with another man, the CHILD that is born may still carry the traits of PREVIOUS lovers/mates that were with that woman.  

Well, science and the study of HEREDITY came along and at first REJECTED that idea of telegony, thinking this was impossible in nature.  However, it now has been PROVEN that this actually DOES occur in at least SOME species and scientists have DOCUMENTED it in detail.   

I look at this as a little hint, a "whisper in your ear" if you will, that lets us know sex is not "just sex".  The connections between man and woman as a result of sex, and the  RAMIFICATIONS of those connections, are DEEP, POWERFUL AND PERMANENT, regardless of how much our politically-correct, tradition-bashing, insane society tries to destroy this notion.

The reason WHY so few people in our society ever know the truth about anything, including how to attract amazing women, is because they get TRICKED into believing B.S. through the forces of SOCIAL PROOF, as I explain in this video:

In my NEXT video, I once AGAIN fly in direct CONTRADICTION to the supposed "pick up experts" out there who say that you should just THINK POSITIVE to get over the fear of "approach anxiety".  

The ACTUAL TRUTH, and this has been something I not only had to LEARN the HARD WAY, but is also something I poured YEARS into RESEARCHING FOR REAL, is the OPPOSITE!!!!!!

The REAL way to overcome intense "approach anxiety" is to learn the proper way to EMBRACE THE ABSOLUTE WORST, AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN!

Check out the video for more details right here:

Now, unless you've been living on another planet, you probably know that there is a popular book called 50 Shades of Grey, which was turned into a hit movie as well, along with a hit sequel.  You probably also know that the themes in them include bondage and fantasies of forced sex, and that these books and movies are loved by WOMEN

Well, it turns out this is nothing new, and that RAPE FANTASIES are EXTREMELY COMMON in women. And the women they are MOST common in are NOT women who are weak, or low self-esteem, or victims of abuse, contrary to what people used to think when there was no EMPIRICAL DATA regarding these women.  

The truth turns out to be the OPPOSITE of that old notion! The women who have these fantasies the MOST are women who are HIGH SELF-ESTEEM, who are OPEN to sex, and who feel confident and great!

So I want to explain what all this means for YOU as a man when you are out there approaching women and trying to attract them:

Now, if you have been reading and watching this so far, I hope you can see that I take this field very seriously, with a great degree of responsibility, and that I am the real thing. And, as powerful as these videos are, they represent just the tip of the iceberg of what I can do for your success with women through my programs and live one-on-one coaching. 

If you want solutions when it comes to getting success with women, I suggest you first download my books and programs. Each one contains pure GOLD on attracting women. Then, take your success to the NEXT level by contacting me for live, one-on-one private coaching, either through bootcamp in person, or through Skype. 

To download my IN-DEPTH program on conquering "approach anxiety" which I discussed in the video "The Solution To Approach Anxiety Is NOT Positive Thinking", go here immediately:

The name of that program is Obliterating Approach Anxiety, and there is nothing else out there that comes even CLOSE to its level of effectiveness for ensuring you conquer "approach anxiety" forever.

To find about everything else I can do to SKYROCKET your success with women, go here:

I also suggest you subscribe to my YouTube channel by going to the following page and clicking "Subscribe":
Life with an amazing woman enhances your entire experience OF life. And time is precious. If you don't take action now, it's very possible you will find that YEARS have gone by and nothing has changed. So take action NOW.

Once again, my programs are at:

If you have any questions about my programs, you can contact me by email at:

Till next time,

Michael Marks

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Perspective Taking & 'State Vs. Calibration' For Attracting Women

There is this huge misunderstanding among men who study attraction techniques or "PUA" tactics for attracting women, and it boils down to this question:

"What's more important for attracting women-being in the right STATE OF MIND, or being able to CALIBRATE properly?"

State of mind refers to being in that state where you are confident, optimistic, sexual, dominant, flirty, playful, relaxed-all that good stuff!

Calibration refers to being able to use all the various techniques of attraction and connection properly-in the right amounts, at the right time.  So for example, calibration would include playfully teasing a woman when you first approach her, but not right in middle of you and her making love!

I give this obvious example to make my point clear, however calibration refers to far more nuanced and subtle things as well. It means knowing when a woman is actually testing you, and when she is just truly being playful and funny.  It means knowing exactly when to stop playfully teasing and progress the interaction forward. It means knowing when you've screwed up and apologizing. It means knowing when to kiss, and when to pull back to create more sexual tension. It means all this and so much, much, MUCH more.

But the answer to what is more important all depends on the INDIVIDUAL.

Some men are NATURALLY great at calibrating; they have amazing social skills with ALL human beings, but when it comes to approaching women out of the blue, or even women in general who they want to attract, there is fear, anxiety, insecurity that FREEZES them up.

And because of THAT, they can't access their mental processors for CALIBRATING.  Their brains are too busy being FROZEN because they have gone into FIGHT/FLIGHT/FREEZE as a result of the AMYGDALA in the brain being triggered by stress.  The amygdala SHUTS down all the thinking and turns on the biology to prepare you for DANGER.  As if a tiger is about to jump at you.  And your brain doesn't think then-it just causes your body to react physically and your mind emotionally-and not in a productive way.

So for a guy like that, it's ALL about STATE OF MIND.  If he can get into the right state of mind again, then he can naturally access his CALIBRATION SKILLS if he already has them.

For HIM, it is also true that calibration skills are SUPER IMPORTANT, but since he already has them, he doesn't have to worry-HE has to work on his STATE OF MIND.

But for other men, they may be totally OBLIVIOUS to fear or anxiety or giving a damn about what anyone thinks at all, to a point that this is actually a FAULT. They may be in a GREAT state of mind, but they lack the ability to truly engage in maximum PERSPECTIVE TAKING, and CALIBRATION requires MASTERING the skill of PERSPECTIVE TAKING!

Perspective taking means you can truly feel and sense what it is like to be ANOTHER person. So if you want to calibrate properly, you must be able to SENSE what it feels like for HER to be on the RECEIVING end of whatever you are saying and doing with her. This is a SKILL.

In fact, calibration is IMPOSSIBLE without highly developed PERSPECTIVE TAKING skills.

And what is so funny is that 99% of the guys who talk about being ALPHA completely UNDERESTIMATE the absolutely MASSIVE ROLE of perspective taking.

They think that being ALPHA means NOT caring what SHE is thinking and feeling, when in reality this stuff is EVERYTHING! They mistake the idea of "not seeking approval" with truly not CARING or FEELING what she is feeling or thinking. 

How can you know if you are teasing too much and it's time to go into deeper rapport, if you can't actually FEEL and UNDERSTAND the interaction from HER perspective? After all, you aren't calibrating for yourself, you are calibrating to get HER!

It's also ironic how this stuff is SO important, and yet you can see how LITTLE most of the so called "experts" really know about perspective taking, and even worse, how little they actually INTUITIVELY AND EMOTIONALLY feel perspective taking, because they FILM WOMEN WITHOUT THEIR PERMISSION and put them up on the internet!!!!  Even the greatest ignoramus in the world could see that this is something that women would feel BAD about, but there is so horrifyingly LITTLE perspective taking ability or feeling in these guys that they go right ahead and do it anyway.

There is so much out there about being ALPHA that actually is NOT true. The TRUE alpha GETS the woman, and since perspective taking and the ability to truly FEEL what she is feeling, and the ability to feel and understand her perspective is INTEGRAL to your success in getting the woman, PERSPECTIVE TAKING is therefore an absolutely FUNDAMENTAL part of being a successful ALPHA-MALE.

And it's also important to understand how perspective taking and calibration go hand-in-hand. For example, if you are in a CONFIDENT state of mind, then you will not negatively DISTORT the things a woman says and does. This means you will be better at perspective taking accurately, and allow you to CALIBRATE your response perfectly. 

In my video, I give the example of a mind-blowing woman who was at my place, and she mentioned how my TV is from the 1960s. If I was in a bad state of mind, a weak state of mind, an insecure state of mind, I would have felt threatened, insulted, or challenged, and I would have thought I had to "strike back" to get her down to size and off her pedestal. That would have RUINED the entire vibe and DESTROYED the attraction.

But the fact is, being in a great state of mind helped me understand she was being PLAYFUL. Not only could I tell from her tonality, but also because she HERSELF was calibrating her humor very INTELLIGENTLY.

The reason I say this is because one of the great ways to CALIBRATE a playful tease is to make sure that the thing you are saying cannot be interpreted seriously by anyone with common sense. So the fact is, there is NO REALISTIC WAY that she ACTUALLY thought the TV was from the 60s and that it was 57 years old! 

That is PROOF she didn't REALLY mean it.  (Notice that SHE was calibrating properly.)

And of course, even if she did mean it, it really doesn't matter much one way or another, as far as what the INTELLIGENT response should be, right?

So I did what I FELT like doing, based on my state of mind AND my understanding of the situation-I thought it was FUNNY, so I LAUGHED.  It was the perfect response, and it allowed us both to laugh and move AHEAD, as neither one of us had TV in mind.

And we never ended up watching TV that night ;)

As you can see, I know what I'm talking about, and it's also why I love CUSTOMIZING my training for each man, because each man is DIFFERENT. I can tell exactly what YOU need, which is different from what the NEXT guy needs. Whether it is SKYROCKETING your state of mind with women, or whether it is perfecting your CALIBRATION SKILLS with women, or whether it is any of DOZENS of other skills, such as creating spontaneous humor, or whether it is a combination of these things, I will get you the success you want with women by CUSTOMIZING your training so that it's perfect for YOU. 

I will assess your strengths and weakness and then create the PLAN for you, and then CARRY OUT THAT PLAN WITH YOU so that you QUICKLY see the success you want with women right before your eyes. My live coaching, including my bootcamps, are EXCLUSIVE. That means you get 100% of my time during bootcamp. The attention is not split between you and other students.  This allows you to get the skills you need to attract women FASTER than anything else on EARTH.

I seriously suggest you sign up for my bootcamp NOW at:

And I also seriously suggest you download ALL my digital programs for skyrocketing your success with women. Each and every single one of these programs will BLOW YOUR MIND with VITAL strategies and knowledge for success with women that you won't find anywhere else.

These programs give you the KNOWLEDGE I have gained over 15 YEARS in the field of helping men attract amazing women, and these programs also allow you to make MORE out of your live coaching with me because you are not coming in to my live coaching then as a total beginner.     

Download these programs at:

For a SKYPE or phone consultation with me, go here:

I will ensure you DO attract the women you want, and if you are in a relationship, I can also help you solve any RELATIONSHIP issue you want FIXED.

Till next time,

Michael Marks

Monday, July 17, 2017

Why Women Need Masculine Men

with the skills to create a DEEP LEVEL
CONNECTION, is what attracts a woman
and turns her into a fantastic girlfriend who
will be loyal to you to the ultimate level.

Since 2003, I have been focused on
helping men RECLAIM the power
of being a MAN.

In fact, in my first book, "The Dating Wizard:
Secrets to Success With Women", the term
"THE MAN" appears tons of times. 

It's the ESSENCE, if you will, of the book. 

What do I mean by “THE MAN”?

I mean being everything that a man is
NATURALLY, before he got brainwashed
by too much modern culture over the past
several decades.

Before then, man's natural sense of masculinity
was pretty much the same since the BEGINNING
of TIME.

Yes, it's nice we have become more
civilized and moved out of the caves,
but that doesn't mean that there aren't
certain PRIMAL elements of masculinity

Pretending that we aren't men only serves
to WEAKEN a woman's attraction to us.

In order for a woman to feel FEMININE and to
feel attracted, then on the deepest, most primal level
she must sense that you are "the yin" to her "yang",

This is polarity working in your favor.
The more masculine you are, the more feminine she feels.

She must sense MASCULINITY in you in a RAW
visceral sense.

This is why it’s so important in our MODERN
culture to NOT be swayed by media or images
or politically correct mentalities that tell men
that men and women are THE SAME.

Women are INDEED worth EVERY BIT

And they deserve every last iota of respect
that any man does.

But men and women are not “IDENTICAL” IN THE SENSE

In fact, a society that does not SEPARATE
the concepts of MASCULINITY AND
FEMININITY actually ROBS both men
AND women of the joy of sexuality.

Now, it's hard to argue with the entire
HUMAN HISTORY backing up these

Everything has changed in the past few
decades. Before that, however, and in
fact since the beginning of RECORDED
HUMAN HISTORY, the concepts of
masculinity and femininity were clearly
defined in every culture.

It's ALWAYS been important to separate
and define the MASCULINE vs. the FEMININE.

In the past, this was always clear.

to preach masculinity.  Instead you must be
one of the few men who know the SECRET
of how important it is to actually BE masculine
even though we keep being told as men to
REPRESS our masculinity.

You must KNOW it and PRACTICE it, even
in the face of politically correct hogwash that
says men and women should act exactly the

Women expect a man to know that modern
politically correct talk about men and women
behaving identically is HOGWASH.

Women don't want you to act the same as them!!

And they don't want to have to TEACH a man
that he needs to be more masculine.

If a man doesn't understand that a woman wants
her man to be masculine, she won't TEACH the
guy; she'll just avoid him in any sexual sense.

More than ever, men and women are ALLOWED
to be with each other, however at the same time
there is LESS attraction than ever!  The same
forces that say men and women are the same
and TECHNICALLY allow men and women
to be with each other, are also the forces that
DILUTE the sexual fire of desire between men
and women.

Here are some ways that men and women are
blurring the distinctions between the genders:

Women these days are trying to be men in terms
of trying to act "like one of the boys" sexually.
Most men tend to encourage this, thinking this is
fun or cool, not realizing this is destructive.

Many men are also trying to act like women,
thinking that this shows "sensitivity and niceness".

And many men are trying to attract women by
being "politically correct" and non-sexual.

The distinctions between men and women's
roles has become blurred, and it's not helping
men or women at all.

It's the CONTRAST between male and female
that creates the SEXUAL FIRE OF DESIRE
between men and women.

If men and women were TOO SIMILAR,
there would be NO EROTIC FIRE.

This is ALSO what I mean about being

The more YOU are THE MAN, the more
a woman feels like she is A WOMAN.

And trust me, one of the finest sexual compliments
you can ever get from a woman is “you made me
feel like a woman” or “you brought out the woman
in me”.

When a woman IS feeling ATTRACTED
to a man, she becomes like a little girl around
that guy, until she gets in bed, of course, and
then she becomes a WOMAN.

And there is no way in HELL that any
woman is going to feel THAT when a
guy acts like he is exactly like her,
as if he is another woman, just happening
to have a male organ on him.

In fact, that’s the whole IDEA of "Clark
Kent", is that his BEHAVIOR is so
NOT "THE MAN" in the movies, that
in real life this kind of NON-MASCULINE
behavior makes the part of a woman’s
brain that is responsible for PRIMAL
URGES, to “FORGET” that he is a man.

So she feels nothing sexual for "Clark Kent".

in being a MAN around a woman who is FEMININE,
and there is an instinctive primal pleasure for a woman
to be around a man who is MASCULINE.

All else is hogwash!

So when I say BE THE MAN, I mean
be MASCULINE in every way.

It should show in your authority and tonality
when you open up the conversation with her.

It should show in your decisiveness,
in your leading the interaction, and
it should even show in your sense
of humor.

It should even show in your style of
clothing and accessories.

And it should show in the way you get
"physically intimate" with her. This doesn't
mean that you have to be an "animal" all the
time, and there is a time for being tender
with her in bed, but DEFINITELY you want
to be outgoing and primal in bed with her
as well.

To get the FULL PICTURE on the most EFFECTIVE 
way to approach, attract, and KEEP a fantastic
woman who is "the total package", I suggest you
AND download my digital attraction programs

I take what I do VERY seriously. It's why my work
has been ahead of the industry for over a DECADE
now. Rather than focus on marketing gimmicks like
pick-up lines, negs, deceptive "live footage", and
make-outs with drunk, promiscuous women, I
have focused on getting men amazing women
who are the "total package".

By the way, there are just a few slots left for my
summer BOOTCAMPS, where I train you LIVE,
so if you want to get this part of your life handled
this summer, sign up immediately.

To learn about ALL my programs that will ensure
YOUR success with women, go here NOW:

Till next time,

Michael Marks 

Friday, July 14, 2017

Persistence vs. Neediness In Attracting Women

There's a lot of misunderstanding about
the role of PERSISTENCE when it comes
to attracting a woman.

We have all heard about how persistence
is such an important thing in life for
success, and this is true, but when it
comes to attracting a woman, most guys
get this all wrong.


Persistence does NOT mean to keep on
chasing some woman who shows no signs
of interest.

In fact, so often, when guys get caught up on
ONE woman, this is very often the OPPOSITE
of persistence, because they completely avoid

They just pour all their energy into this ONE 
woman who often is simply a woman that they
met through some convenient situation, like
somebody at work, or some woman who is 
a clerk or waitress at their local store or 
restaurant, etc.

Not only is this not the right kind of
persistence, but it actually ends up
making a guy think that this one woman
is much more valuable and much more
of a necessity for his life than he thinks,
because the mind plays tricks on us like this.

Part of it is the reverse rationalization,
that says, "Well, if I put so much energy
into this one woman, it must be a sign
that she is "the one"" etc, etc.

Plus, the other "Jedi mind-trick" going on
is that anything we do a lot of, we tend
to think is the right thing, and we even
go so far as to COMPLETELY warp all
evidence to the contrary as somehow
still being evidence that, 'YES SHE IS

Part of it is also the 'EASY' element,
because it's easier to just NOT go out
and approach other women, and instead
just fantasize about how cool it would
be to get this woman that works at the
local store/restaurant/school etc, etc,

The irony about all this, is that when
a guy DOES persist in the RIGHT way,
with other women, he often suddenly
hears from the "special" one, and
of course at that point he now
realizes he actually has no idea
if she's 'special' or not because
it was all his own neediness that
was distorting her into something
that doesn't even exist.

And, since he now has far more self-esteem,
he isn't particularly attracted to a woman
that didn't appreciate him then.

So, NOW, at that point, he is ready to truly
appreciate what a REAL 'great girl' is.

So let's get to it- what effective persistence really is.


So let me get to what is the GOOD kind of persistence:

This is when you approach a woman, and she
is NOT suddenly showing you smiles and she
is not seeming so warm to you.

I'm not talking about her being RUDE.
There's no excuse for being NASTY.

I'm just saying if she is not really "into" your
approach in the first few moments.

THIS is where you must be PERSISTENT.

I have seen MANY of these kinds of situations
turn into wonderful relationships in real life, not
just in bootcamps, but also in my actual experiences
dating and approaching women.

A woman is not always going to JUMP UP
IN HAPPINESS at the first moment of your
approach, especially if this is not in a club
or some other party atmosphere.

So what will happen is a guy will say something
to her, she will say something back, but not much,
and the guy will instinctively have this, "GET OUT
PISSED OFF!" feeling internally.

Or, a guy might feel that awkward feeling of:


Well, HERE is where I say, "PERSIST!"

DO NOT EJECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There are so many, many reasons why a woman
might not be showing unbridled enthusiasm.

She might simply be showing caution, she
has no clue who you are yet. So she needs
more time to "feel you out" and see what
kind of vibes you are giving off.

She might simply be feeling a need to
show she is not easy, because after all,
would YOU want a woman who IS easy?

Would YOU want a woman who gives her number
out to EVERY guy that approaches her?

Plus, it's also possible that your conversation
opener wasn't so great, and didn't get her
particularly intrigued or laughing or relaxed
in some other way, but that does NOT mean
this interaction is OVER, it does NOT MEAN
that you can't turn this into something
GREAT still.

ALSO, I want to point out here a reminder that
persistence ALSO includes BEYOND the initial
first approach, which is something I teach the
"how to" of in detail in my programs and even
included a YouTube video on:


Now, here's the next part about the KIND
of persistence you need in these situations.

You need to persist being in the right state
of MIND.

And I don't mean some kind of BATTLE state
of mind, where you are saying to yourself,

You want to persist in having that combo
of states of being upbeat, dominant, and
still chilled out, EVEN IF SHE IS NOT
DOING "happy cartwheels" in response
to your initial approach.

If you start to give up your good state,
if you start to allow yourself to fall
into a freaked out state, or an angry
state, or a lethargic state, guess what?


So she will ALSO start to become nervous
if you are nervous. If you seem pissed
off, she may become pissed off.

And the clincher to all this, is that
most guys typically go into the WORST
states of mind when they go to approach
a woman, AND the fact that the woman
is not giving them the full approval
right away is only feeding MORE
fuel for the guy's negative emotions,
and causes him to GIVE UP and give
IN to those negative emotions, which
just fuels HER negative emotions!

This is why you must really have a 
you go UP to a woman to approach her.

That TANK has to last LONG ENOUGH to

And YES, so often, if you just PERSIST
for those few MINUTES, she will indeed
MELT and fall for you.

So THAT'S a great way to persist, because
those FIVE MINUTES of persistence can lead
to weeks, months, and YEARS of great times
as she becomes your girlfriend.

Compare the power of THAT persistence
to the ridiculous WEEKS, MONTHS, AND
SOMETIMES YEARS that a guy spends
"persisting" for ONE woman.

A woman does NOT think you are desperate
for persisting in that INITIAL approach,
if you do it RIGHT.

But a woman DOES think a guy is desperate
if he keeps on PERSISTING for the same
woman for years. And of course usually
when a guy is doing this "years of
persistence" strategy, he is also doing
all the WRONG things as well, like trying
to show her what a great guy he is by
doing favors for her, etc, etc.


Here's ANOTHER point about persistence
in that initial interaction:

A woman often gets more turned ON when
she is hard to get, and the guy KNOWS how
to get around her hard to get tactics.

It’s like the mating dance has begun, and
she requires a certain sequence of events
to happen.

Which is not to say that you are supposed
to be all predictable in everything you do,
but there is a DEFINITE pattern to the
mating ritual, for sure.

And for related reasons, it’s important that
YOU make the pattern happen, because
if SHE feels that SHE has to make it happen, 
then you are ALREADY OUT OF THE
is part of what she has been conditioned to 
believe is YOUR sexual role.

So although women very often ARE receptive
at the first moment of the approach, even
if they aren’t, it’s not time to pack
your bags and go.

You have to have persistence while at the
same time not conveying the slightest ounce
of neediness or 'cluelessness'.

You have to still maintain the playful vibe, because


The other kind of persistence that is powerful
is the persistence in LEARNING these skills.

There's absolutely no question about it, persistence 
in learning and practicing these skills WORKS.

This is one area where taking a live BOOTCAMP
with me is so powerful, because you will get
1-To-1 PERSONAL instruction in the absolute
most "hands-on" environment on real women,
again and again and again, we will persist
like MAD over the course of the bootcamp
until you GET these skills INGRAINED.

You're getting this instruction directly
from me, so you get the benefit of all
those years of experience which will
save YOU precious TIME.

And your 'persistence' will be used in
the most EFFICIENT manner, so that you
are not just spinning your wheels, but
actually IMPROVING all the time and
actually GETTING the women attracted.

Live training allows me to speed UP
your results, because I am right there
at all times making sure you to KEEP
you on track, and every time you start
to veer off course, I will make sure
you STOP doing that, until you develop
the INSTINCTS to do it RIGHT without
even THINKING about it.

Your "instincts" for approaching women
will be honed to excellence so that
you are READY, a trained "Jedi" for
all future situations where you see
women you'd like to meet.

To learn more about bootcamp, go here:

A lot of guys want to know if they need to study
my other programs before taking bootcamp.

The answer is that it's not REQUIRED.
I WILL teach you all you need to know to
get these skills under your belt. However,
the more you know coming into bootcamp,
the FARTHER I can take you, since you are
not coming in as a beginner.

To learn as much as you can before bootcamp,
go HERE:

Till next time,

Michael Marks

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