Saturday, January 12, 2019

Social Media = Social Skills SUICIDE

Unlike other creatures, human beings are able to procreate and be FACE TO FACE at the same time. There is a REASON for this: It's because it increases our ability to COMMUNICATE. This goes to show just how massively important highly refined social skills are to getting a man and woman to have sex with each other! 

Which brings me to the MASSIVE IRONY of our times. Today, just about EVERYONE is "hooked" on social media, and yet there is nothing more DESTRUCTIVE to your social skills than so called "social" media, as I explain in today's new video right here:

Here's the link to get the film MADE:

And regarding social media's destructive effect on people's social skills and on their mental health, state of mind, and depression, this is not just me saying an OPINION. It is actually MEASURABLE and has been PROVEN. 

There is a direct relationship between time spent on social media and levels of depression. Social media should be treated the same way things like cigarettes and alcohol are treated. But instead, our society lets everyone just binge on this destructive stuff, including CHILDREN and TEENS who are even MORE vulnerable to it.


And I don't have to tell you that being in a GREAT state of mind is a HUGE key to being able to pick up women.  When women see that you are INTERNALLY already feeling great, it makes them want to be in YOUR reality. It's subconscious, but it is true.

Social media makes people depressed for so MANY reasons. For one thing, it is DAMN HARD to get NOTICED in a positive way on social media because there are literally BILLIONS OF OTHERS there as well.

And human beings actually NEED to get some attention.

This is one of the BIGGEST reasons that human beings EVOLVED to form FAMILIES. 

Families that are functioning are not the most efficient way to get OTHER things done for various reasons, but they are AWESOME for creating a HEALTHY PSYCHOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT because the group is SMALL ENOUGH for each person to get proper emotional attention, and perhaps even MORE importantly, each person is IMPORTANT to the family. The parents are NEEDED and they KNOW it. The kids are the parents' FUTURE and their DNA legacy, so the kids naturally get attention. And historically, they were all needed for the family to SURVIVE as well.

So everyone's IMPORTANT in a functioning family.

But in a society where the NUCLEAR FAMILY UNIT is being DESTROYED, what ends up happening is NO ONE feels important. No other structure exists for giving people what they really need.

And before I go even ONE BIT further, I need to mention that absolute HORRIFYING NIGHTMARE that is the result of our society UNDER-VALUING the role of FATHERS.

Do you know how INSANELY destructive this is on BOYS? 

An absence of fathers has devastating consequences on boys AND girls, but it's even worse for boys. 

Boys who grow up without fathers are at absolutely CRAZY risks for so many serious issues, that it should be considered a CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY for feminists and the politically-correct left to IGNORE these realities and to CONTINUE to undermine the role of MEN and fathers in our society.

But so called PROGRESSIVES who SHOULD be called REGRESSIVES  (thanks to my super-cool friend who came up with this term) have succeeded in inflicting so much DAMAGE to the family unit over the past few decades that it BARELY EXISTS anymore as the NUCLEAR FAMILY once did. 

And instead of the FAMILY, people are looking to SOCIAL MEDIA, but they ain't getting what they NEED; they are in fact getting DESTROYED psychologically through it.

But that's not all, because there is something even MORE damaging to your success with women than the fact it screws up your state of mind, and that is the fact that social media actually RETARDS your social skills!

This is because EFFECTIVE human communication involves ALL channels including sight, sound, and touch, and it is also best when it is face-to-face instead of TEXT-TO-TEXT or SCREEN-TO-SCREEN.  

And before I forget to mention, human communication is ALSO best when it is not limited to just a handful of characters! Having such limited space ends up making it very HARD to say or communicate anything truly PRODUCTIVE or POSITIVE.

But it's damn easy to BE NASTY.
Being nasty just takes insulting words.

Does that ring a bell for you of the last time you read comments on so-called "social media", which SHOULD be called ANTI-SOCIAL media?

They're NASTY, because nasty comments are PERFECT for limited space.

Do you think the LIMITED amount of characters you get to use on something like Twitter, for example, is an ACCIDENT?

It's probably not, because just like BAD NEWS sells WAY BETTER than GOOD NEWS, nasty tweets get people FAR MORE RILED UP and more ADDICTED to social media than if they were reading POSITIVE comments and more meaningful content.

Do you think the designers of Twitter, for example, are not SUPER HIGHLY AWARE of EXACTLY what is going on to make their platform addictive and "popular"? 


And so is all this SCREWING up your state of mind, DESTROYING your social skills, and making you ADDICTED to this HORRIFYING thing that is named the exact OPPOSITE of what it is-"social media". All by DESIGN.

And it's made to sound innocent the same way that BRANDING is used to tell people the OPPOSITE of what something actually is, to take your mind off of the truth so you will be more likely to buy it, and perhaps more importantly, to buy "into" it.

For example, why do you think APPLE computers took the name "apple"?

Because it's the FARTHEST thing from an organic substance.
It is cold hard steel, silicon chips, glass, rubber, and plastic chunks.
But they ain't gonna call it THAT, of course.

"Social Media" would DIE if the family unit had not been largely DESTROYED, and if the natural bond between men and women was not DECIMATED by third-wave feminists. The nuclear family unit and a HEALTHY bond between men and women would deprive social media of the fuel it needs to thrive. That fuel consists of millions and millions of men and women who are running on EMPTY when it comes to healthy emotions.  

POLITICAL CORRECTNESS sets the stage for destroying all traditional values, by having things like third-wave feminism DISTORT the TRUTH, making it seem as if most men are EVIL now and as if most men were EVIL throughout history, and making it seems as if the family unit was some product of the "evil patriarchy" and so they went about trying to DISMANTLE (and are still trying to dismantle) the nuclear family and the entire STRUCTURE of our society.

I remember first learning about radical feminists back in university for my first degree, and back then it seemed like a sci-fi NIGHTMARE, but they are actually now ACHIEVING those very apocalyptic goals. 

If we had stronger FAMILIES, if the nuclear family unit still existed, we wouldn't have millions and millions of people STARVING FOR VALIDATION AND FOR ATTENTION.

Social media wouldn't have the FUEL to exist.

SOCIAL MEDIA needs to have MILLIONS AND MILLIONS OF LOST SOULS, people who are feeling empty and who are desperate to get attention anywhere and who are willing to pretend they are someone else that people are more interested in.

SOCIAL MEDIA needs millions and millions of socially INEPT people because ONLY those people will have the NEED and DESIRE to be on social media.

If you are in a happy fulfilling relationship, you won't have TIME for social media!!!!! You won't have the DESIRE for it, because what you have in REAL LIFE with your girlfriend or wife or family feels SOOOOOOOOOOOOO much better.

Again, I must REPEAT something I have said many times before:

Traditional values addressed our PSYCHOLOGICAL needs as well as our physical ones.

And by the way, it is ALSO ironic that so many of the so called "dating coaches" who are in the PUA community are NOT truly teaching social skills, but are RETARDING the proper development of social skills by HAMMERING IN ONE MESSAGE into men, which is to just GET TO THE SEX PART of things with women, i.e. by focusing on promiscuous women who will "get with the program" or focusing on drunk or tipsy women in nightclubs.

I really am the first and only guy in the dating coach community who has since day ONE said that the whole point of learning the skills of how to attract women is for getting into a great relationship. This doesn't mean that every man should be in a relationship, but in general most men, IF THEY COULD MEET A GOOD WOMAN WHO WOULD APPRECIATE THEM, would be better off in a relationship than just going from woman to woman.

And this TOO- this promiscuity-is something most of the other PUA guys try to teach their students is a GOOD thing! They try to teach their students that guys who are NOT promiscuous are somehow MISSING OUT, and they preach that guys who are not sleeping with tons of women are "losers".  One or two of them have come around, because they have seen my work, but they only did this after their sales dropped and they had nothing to lose, and also after spending literally a DECADE of screwing up men HORRIBLY by telling them that promiscuity is a GREAT thing.

In REALITY, however, treating sex like a total JOKE is the REAL way to become a loser and to DESTROY your life.

Sex is NOT a joke for so MANY, MANY reasons.

First of all, contrary to popular belief, most men DO very much have the ability to BOND in relationships, and if they met great women would indeed bond with these women.  So trying to destroy this natural desire to bond is going against nature and causes inner conflict.

Secondly, most of the BEST women, the women who are loyal, who have traditional values, who are upbeat, are NOT going to sleep with promiscuous men. This means that if you are trying to live the promiscuous lifestyle, you are forcing yourself to stick with the most messed up women-because indeed promiscuous women tend to be emotionally unstable and tend to also be impulsive AND more likely to be UNFAITHFUL.  

Those are NOT good things for a man to experience with women, and if anything could screw up a guy's perspective on women.

And of course, there is also the issues of STDs.  By the way, the issue of STDs has been around for a LOOOOOOOONG time. A long time ago, it used to be syphilis. This is one of the reasons religions tend to look down on promiscuity. It's not all "FIRE AND BRIMSTONE" but actually a way to keep people functioning and healthy.

As you can see, I REALLY DO and always HAVE believed in traditional values, I also believe that political correctness and third-and-fourth-wave feminism is DESTROYING our society and INFESTING every aspect of it, from our CULTURE, to our EDUCATION at every level from kindergarten to university and in EVERY SUBJECT area as well, to our NATIONAL DEFENSE, to our FAMILIES and to our FREEDOM. 


And this really IS the reason I decided to let you know about a film I am making. When it comes to art, you really can't START with a moral or an agenda. It is SUBCONSCIOUS.

However, it is also not a coincidence that the stories that started to rise into my consciousness from deep in my soul happened to have themes below the surface of the story that were very much consistent with what I am passionate about and the horrors I have seen happening to our society over the years. 

And when the vision in my mind for this film came to me, I knew it was a project that I had to do. It is my way of capturing the HEART of what is going on right now and why it needs to change. I believe that through a FILM, I can help communicate the message to as many people as possible in the MOST EFFECTIVE way possible. 

You are a CRUCIAL part of making this film happen.
Let's get this film MADE by going here immediately:

And to learn more about attracting women, go here now:

Stay cool, 


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