Sunday, December 31, 2017

Why You SHOULD Approach Women Wearing Headphones--PLUS:The Truth About Platonic Friendships!

A very popular question I get is whether it is a "good move" or not to approach women who are wearing headphones. In today's new video, I explain why you SHOULD approach women wearing headphones. 

ALSO today, in ANOTHER new video, I explain the TRUTH regarding so called "platonic" friendships between men and women, and this video is MASSIVELY IMPORTANT as well, ESPECIALLY if you are looking for a real quality woman for a long-term relationship-including if you are looking for a woman who is "the one". 

Let's actually do this FIRST, and save the "fun stuff" for second.

And now for the NEXT topic that I really wanted to CLEAR UP for any guy that is still not sure about it-how you absolutely SHOULD approach women who are wearing headphones. 

Many men think that a woman wearing headphones is an automatic "NO-GO ZONE", and that women are wearing headphones in order to STOP GUYS from approaching them, and that women are trying to say that "they want to be in their own space" by wearing the headphones.

After watching the video, you now know why you absolutely SHOULD approach these women, and one of those reasons actually has to do with using this BARRIER mechanism that women put up as a STRATEGY THAT WORKS IN YOUR FAVOR!

How do I know all this stuff? Simple: I don't just do this for myself, which would be pretty cool even if it were just me doing it for myself. The fact is, I've also been proving this in BOOTCAMP for over FIFTEEN YEARS.  

Men from around the world have LEARNED in PERSON from me the truth about how to go right up to women, including women with headphones on and all sorts of other situations, and attract them RIGHT THEN AND THERE. FIFTEEN YEARS of proving this works UNIVERSALLY for men who have learned from me, and FIFTEEN YEARS of me also performing live DEMONSTRATIONS in bootcamp as well!
And don't forget that I also focus on SCREENING women as well, so this is not about approaching drunk or promiscuous women, but rather about truly connecting with and attracting the very best women for a real relationship.

I suggest you download all my books and programs on giving you the superior advantage with attracting great women by going here immediately:

The FINAL step is to take things to the NEXT LEVEL by taking my BOOTCAMP program. BOOTCAMP is a private, exclusive, two-day immersion program where I train you so that you can be able to approach and attract women ANYWHERE. 

This program is the ULTIMATE in EXCLUSIVE and PRIVATE coaching.  Each bootcamp is reserved to ONE person only, which means you learn at the absolute FASTEST speed, because all my time is devoted to YOU.

You will graduate bootcamp with the ability to attract women at will, which means you will have INFINITE choice when it comes to attracting the woman you want.

Bootcamp is at:

If you have any questions about any of my programs, please email me at and I will reply to you usually within 24 hours.

Till next time,

Michael Marks

Saturday, November 25, 2017

When "Chasing A Woman" Is Building Trust

A lot of men are under the impression that if they are putting in more "effort" into the initial part of attracting women than the women are putting into attracting the men, that this is somehow a form of supplication, some form of being a "beta male" that is actually going to drive away a woman. 

Nothing could be further from the truth, and this is especially the case with women who are the "total package" beautiful inside and out, and who are looking to truly commit to one man for a serious relationship and possibly even marriage. 

If a woman is considering getting into a serious relationship with you, she, just like yourself, is putting a lot on the line, and she is risking getting emotionally hurt, tricked, etc. She has no idea if you are just another player who only wants to have sex, or if you are tricking her in some other way.

The fact of the matter is that an attractive woman is going to have a lot of men approaching her in some way or other all the time. So this means that just because you approached her, you can't expect that to be enough. 

She has no idea who you really are, especially if you only spent 5 minutes with her in the initial approach or the initial "pick-up". You may have done a great job in those 5 minutes, and she might really have, in the moment, loved what she was feeling with you, but it's not enough. 

She needs to feel more trust and connection in order to take things to the next level with you. This means you can't get deterred or lose motivation when in the INITIAL stages of the "courtship" she may raise obstacles in your path to being with her. Your ability to navigate through them smoothly, calmly, and confidently tells her ALL THE RIGHT THINGS about you, and allows her to feel the TRUST she needs to release her sexual side with you.

In today's video above, I explain all this and why getting a great woman for a relationship is so different than the typical PUA fare that is all about how fast they can get promiscuous women into bed.

If you want the success you deserve with women, then I seriously suggest you take advantage of my services. I can provide you with one-on-one coaching by Skype to help you solve ANY issue regarding dating, relationships, or pick-up. 

Skype coaching is at:

If it's pick-up that you want to master, then sign up for my bootcamp program where I teach it to you, live, on women as we approach them everywhere in the city!   

Bootcamp is at:

And of course, I also offer a complete line of digital programs on every aspect of success with women, and you really should download them ALL if you haven't already. These programs are going to SKYROCKET your success with women, and they are super convenient as well, because you can download them IMMEDIATELY.

They're at:

Till next time,

Michael Marks

Sunday, November 5, 2017

The Truth About Attracting Women Vs. "Popular" Advice

This is just a very short newsletter today, but it’s

When it comes to learning how to attract women,
what is POPULAR is usually NOT what WORKS.

And trust me, I’ve taken the BRUISES for
sticking to what actually WORKS, in terms
of the financial gains I could have made from
screwing with people by saying the kinds of
things they WANT to hear rather than what

Let me give you an example: The ever
POPULAR concept among so many dating
so called ‘experts’ that you should NEVER
do ANY kind of CHASING after a woman.

This concept has been HORRIBLY ABUSED
and has led to ENDLESS failures for millions
of men around the world.

This is because INITIALLY, you MUST put in
MORE effort into her NOTICING YOU and
getting to make sure she KNOW YOU than SHE
does into the process.

After a while, this STOPS and SHE will chase you
too, but in the beginning, in a world of millions
of other men, there is NO OTHER CHOICE
but for you to STAND OUT from all those other
guys who DON’T put the effort in.

This means you CAN’T EXPECT the woman to
APPROACH YOU. You have to approach HER.

And in the approach, YOU will have to get the
ball ROLLING and convey PERSONALITY so that
she can DISTINGUISH you from the millions of
other men out there.

Remember that women have WAY MORE TO LOSE
from being with the wrong guy. This goes back to
evolution and the fact SHE is the one who must carry
a baby for nine months, and SHE is the one who will
be VULNERABLE for years as a result.

This is all VERY DIFFERENT than just going for a
promiscuous woman. For a promiscuous woman,
she might not care about how much YOU are
invested in HER. 

But if you are looking for a woman who will make for
a great girlfriend and possibly WIFE, you MUST
realize this fact.

Now, I originally made a video on this topic
MONTHS AGO, and the ORIGINAL response was kind of

But it seems that TRUTH has a way of RISING to the
surface, sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly.

And it seems people are starting to REALIZE just
how IMPORTANT that advice that I gave IS.

You can check it out and the comments and replies

And guess what? This is just ONE of the THOUSANDS
of things that I teach that are DIFFERENT from all the
other so called “experts” out there who really don’t know
what they are talking about, or at the very least their tactics
are ONLY for getting the WORST KINDS OF WOMEN for
actual relationships. 

If you want a great woman who is going to INVEST
herself emotionally, physically, and mentally in you,
then you need to make it clear that YOU are the right
man for her to do it-and you must do this in a way that

If you want success with women, and you want it FAST,
doesn’t it make sense to go to the man who really KNOWS
what he is talking about? And who has proven his legitimacy
and credibility for over fifteen YEARS?

The FASTEST way to learn from me is by taking my BOOTCAMP.

That’s HERE:

And the OTHER thing I SERIOUSLY SUGGEST is that you
download ALL of my digital programs and books, and take
advantage of ALL my services. These services and these
materials are GOLDEN- you will NOT find anything else
on EARTH as powerful for helping you attract great women.

They are at:

Till next time

Monday, October 30, 2017

What People Don't Understand About Pick-Up And Attracting Women

As I write this, I am listening to the track Now We Are Free from the Gladiator soundtrack, which you can hear right here:

There are several reasons I mention this:

First of all, Gladiator is an awesome movie, period. It's a great man's movie, and a great movie that women love as well.  At the heart of the story is something simple, and pure- a man fights for something that gives him MEANING-something he believes in. He believes in  what Rome can stand for, which is for freedom, democracy, and human progress, and he is driven by love for his family-his murdered beloved wife and beloved child.  And he also lives to seek justice for what was done to him.

At the heart of a great human interaction, and by extension a great pick-up, and at the heart of attraction, is something much more than just technical moves. It is SOUL.  Something that transcends the mundane, something that lifts your spirit, and through you lifts HER spirit as well.

We all want to find MEANING in life, something that gives us a REASON to feel INSPIRED for what we do. 

And meaning always gets back to using our strengths to HELP others. To make a DIFFERENCE.

And in a pick-up, showing a woman how SHE is making or can make that difference to others elevates HER soul, and so this is a huge part of making your pick-up go so much easier, and helps you bridge the gap between being stranger to being the man she wants to get to know more. I've already made a video on this, so I won't go into it all again here.

Gladiator also shows a man in a time when there was no such thing as political correctness, and when men were masculine and women were feminine. This is also part of why men and women love this movie as well-we respond INSTINCTIVELY to the opposite gender when they BEHAVE consistently with their natural biology instead of trying to strip it away or repress it. 

And yet today we are living in a time when men and women are truly being INDOCTRINATED and BRAINWASHED to believe in LIES about men and women-lies that attack the very CORE of what it even MEANS to BE a man and what it means to BE a woman-and I mean this even right down to the DNA core of our genders! It is HORRIFYING to see the LIES being spread like wildfire about the TRUTH regarding men and women.

These lies go against everything that is natural, and the worst evil of all is that this indoctrination is coming from sources and people that are SUPPOSED to be RESPONSIBLE AND TRUSTED AUTHORITIES. 

Did you know that the entire FIELD of WOMEN'S STUDIES that is taught across CONTINENTS is absolutely based on ZERO EVIDENCE and was actually designed simply as a response by universities to a PUBLIC RELATIONS nightmare in the 60s when the women's movement was starting out and they were all upset that there weren't enough FEMALE PROFESSORS? 

Yes, it's TRUE. So they created this thing called WOMEN'S STUDIES out of THIN AIR, and didn't even TOUCH on the subject of BIOLOGY even though they were supposed to be specializing on something that is all about GENDER!!!!


Even though for THOUSANDS of years, men sacrificed themselves for women, harnessed the power of electricity, developed systems for clean water, central heating, global transportation and communication, medical advances that prolonged life, and also created laws PROTECTING WOMEN and punishing men who dared to assault women, and DIED in the wars protecting the freedom of women and men, and CONTINUE to do all the most DANGEROUS jobs on earth that KEEP our entire INFRASTRUCTURE going, and on and on and ON!

But instead of teaching the TRUTH about women in a field called "Women's Studies" they just teach HATRED of men and they distort FREEDOM for women as meaning doing everything possible to DESTROY traditional values that have stood the test of time and that create HARMONY between men and women by RESPECTING the differences between men and women sexually, psychologically, and physically.  

I could create an entire VOLUME of books JUST on the topic of all the WISDOM that tradition has created that brilliantly solve just about all the issues that are creating problems today when it comes to families and relationships between men and women, but those traditional values are being DESTROYED by most feminists and things like "Women's Studies" that do NOT teach the truth about women (or men) at all.

But it has been MY personal passion to STUDY attraction, pick-up, relationships, and human psychology, and put it all to PRACTICAL USE IN REAL-LIFE for MANKIND, in a way that NO HUMAN EVER HAS DONE.  And to reveal the TRUTH ABOUT all this, for the sake of HUMANITY and for the sake of HARMONY between MAN and WOMAN.

I truly cover the entire GAMUT from FIRST SEEING a woman, to the PICK-UP, to the RELATIONSHIP.  All these things are SEPARATE topics. There is some overlap of course between the topics because they are all based on CONSISTENT TRUTHS, but they are SEPARATE TOPICS. 

If you want to MASTER the skill of PICK-UP, then BOOTCAMP with me is the ULTIMATE step for you.  

Listen, I know that TIME is precious, even more precious than MONEY. And yet I also know that money is precious is too.

And at the same time, I also know that if you TRULY BELIEVED that I could TEACH YOU THE SKILLS to attract the kind of woman you want, and that I could teach this all to you in just ONE WEEKEND, you ABSOLUTELY WOULD SIGN UP RIGHT NOW. 

This is because the right woman in your life gives you a FEELING like NOTHING ELSE. It gives you the ENERGY, the JOY, the ZEST for life that makes EVERYTHING better.

And do you want to know something? Twenty years ago, I MYSELF would not BELIEVE that this is possible-that a man can just WALK RIGHT UP to a woman who is a TOTAL STRANGER and go from being ZERO with her to being someone she CRAVES in just MOMENTS--I WOULD NOT HAVE BELIEVED THIS IS POSSIBLE FOR A MAN TO LEARN. 

But now that I have truly been WITNESSING this for over TWENTY YEARS, with ALL KINDS OF MEN, week after week after week after week YEAR IN AND YEAR OUT, I absolutely CAN PROMISE YOU THAT THIS IS A SKILL THAT YOU CAN LEARN.

And what makes this ESPECIALLY powerful is that USUALLY in life, it takes YEARS to learn something new-but with ME as your coach, it won't take years-it only will take TWO DAYS. 

For most skills in life, the massive time investment is what makes it IMPOSSIBLE for most men to learn all the amazing things out there that can be learned. Most guys are just too busy doing what they need to do to SURVIVE all week long, all year long, all LIFE long.


I have spent the YEARS learning not only how to DO it myself, but how to INSTILL THESE SKILLS INTO OTHER MEN in just TWO DAYS. I have DISTILLED the absolute BEST OF THE BEST of what I have learned, and the BEST OF THE BEST ways of TEACHING these skills to you, so that you actually GET the skills you need in just TWO DAYS.

You will learn how to SOLVE all those issues that HOLD back other guys from success-from how to approach her in a way that feels NORMAL and NATURAL for her, to how to KEEP the conversation not just going, but going in a way that keeps building more and more attraction AND rapport simultaneously, to how to get over your OWN fears, and much, much more.  

Having me there beside you makes a MASSIVE difference. My years of experience allow me to PINPOINT exactly where you are going "off track" in the pick-up, and to PINPOINT exactly what you need to do to get back "on track" so the pick-up goes exactly how you want it to. 

It is asking for just TWO DAYS.

Two days that will CHANGE your ENTIRE LIFE. 


Over the years, thousands of men from around the world have taken this special bootcamp. Most of these men prefer to keep their privacy, but I can assure you one thing-there is a very magical moment for each one of these men during bootcamp, where they make that transition from their previous lives into being the men that can actually go out, on any given day, and get themselves women that they previously thought were IMPOSSIBLE. 

This moment is often overwhelming. It is a change on the most primal level of what it means to experience life as a man. It will be a moment you never forget-it will be the moment your new life began. 

To sign up for bootcamp or to learn more details about it, go here:

If you ALREADY have the woman of your dreams, and want to learn how to KEEP her, then I can help you there as well. I can also coach you on any aspect relating to women in your life. To contact me for a consultation, go here:

And to download my DIGITAL programs, go here:

Till next time,

Michael Marks

Saturday, October 21, 2017

The Harvey Weinstein Scandal And Political Correctness

Today I have an important video for you that is all about the Harvey Weinstein scandal and political correctness. I feel it's important to discuss, because once again we are getting bombarded by another story about "evil men", and when good men only hear about how evil men are, it causes good men to become weak, apologetic, and submissive to women.

This DESTROYS their ability to attract women, so it's important to see the BIG PICTURE here. Also, in this video, I show you how much HYPOCRISY has gone on regarding the very people who are now lambasting him, and I ALSO show you how political correctness makes a MOCKERY of those people who CHERISH fidelity and who cherish the family unit. 

It's all here:

To learn how to attract great women in a politically correct world, download my book called Politically Incorrect Pick-Up right NOW at:

And to actually pick up women LIVE with me as your PERSONAL coach right beside you in REAL TIME, go here immediately to learn more about my BOOTCAMP program:

Till next time,

Michael Marks

Friday, October 13, 2017

The Superior Way To Attract Women: Building Meaning Into Her Life

There is a superior way to attract women that I want to share with you today, and it is based on one central principle: Creating more MEANING in her life.

In today's video, I discuss how to do this, as well as share with you a TON of other PURE GOLD on attracting women, PLUS I share with you the best way to LEARN the skills of pick-up, based on FIFTEEN YEARS of my experience teaching students and observing the most EFFECTIVE ways of learning these skills.

Of ALL the positive, happy emotions that a human being can experience, by FAR the most powerful one is a sense of deep meaning. And meaning comes from connecting our identity to others in a way that helps the most people.

So, for example, if a person has an innate or nurtured ability that makes them great at building things, or at working with people, or at figuring out math problems, or at inventing things, or if they have a love for the outdoors-anything that truly relates to their identity-if they can USE that in a way that helps the MOST other people, they will then feel a sense of deep meaning. 

For some people, this might be their job, and for others it might be something they do as a volunteer in their spare time-the bottom line is connecting that identity with helping the maximum number of other people. 


So, in a PICK-UP, you are trying to of course to always keep things positive, yet you are also trying to glean whatever you can about her (from observing her and listening to her) to figure out things about her that either show how SHE is using her identity to help tons of other people, or how she COULD use her identity to help tons of other people. 

If she is already AWARE of how she is doing this, then you simply POINTING OUT TO HER that you observe this about her is VERY POWERFUL in helping CEMENT your success in the pick-up. For example, if she is already doing something great for other people, then you can point this out to her and VALIDATE her for it with a sincere compliment. 

However, many times a woman may not be aware of the greatest aspects of their identity, and how they could be having this massive positive impact on society. So in these cases, YOU need to become the one who DISCOVERS it.

By YOU observing her behavior, and by listening really well, you can LEARN and figure OUT what these things are about her-and then when you POINT ALL THIS OUT to her, you will help HER experience the most powerful emotions a human can experience.  

And you end up creating the most powerful connection as well, because human beings connecting is really about connecting their IDENTITIES to each other. Most of the time, though, people just talk about themselves-so the REAL KEY is to learn about the OTHER person-in this case, it's about YOU learning about HER.

And by not only validating her identity, but also finding how her identity can be something of amazing value to HUMANITY, you are giving her the greatest emotional hit of all.  And you are confirming her identity as well, and bringing it to the surface, instead of what most people do in their lives which is BURY their identity and just try to fit in due to social pressure.  Most people repress their identity, and it destroys their FLAIR for life. YOU, however, will be FREEING this part of her. 

By doing this, you will separate yourself from every other guy she has ever met, and you will develop a more powerful connection in SECONDS than most guys do in their entire LIVES with ANY woman.


So the first key is to KEEP EVERYTHING POSITIVE, but the second aspect is to CONSTANTLY REDIRECT everything about the conversation towards building MORE AND MORE MEANING regarding HER identity.

Obviously, MASTERING this skill is something that takes more than just reading this article or just watching the video, which is why downloading ALL my digital programs AND taking my LIVE bootcamp is the GREATEST way to ENSURE mastery over this skill as well as all the other skills for successfully attracting women anywhere.

To check out my entire library of programs for maximum success with women, go here immediately:

To learn more about my Bootcamp, go here:

Till next time,

Michael Marks

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Why Political Correctness Destroys Your Attractive Sense Of Humor And Makes You Seem Pathetic To Women

Having a confident sense of humor
is of MASSIVE importance when it
comes to attracting women, both
in the big picture of things and
also in the immediate pick-up.

This is because a confident sense
of humor says ALL THE RIGHT THINGS
about you. And yet, this powerful force

in helping you attract a woman is in

A sense of humor says you are SECURE
enough to not have to be SERIOUS all
the time.

It says you are  WINNER and that
you have things under control.

Think about people you know who can
NEVER joke about ANYTHING. It usually
stems from INSECURITY and FEAR.

And so subconsciously, by showing a
sense of confident humor to a woman,
you are giving her the message that
you are confident, that you are secure,
that you are an ALPHA MALE WINNER.

Also, a sense of humor helps GREASE
the wheels of any pick-up situation,
no matter how awkward it might seem
on the surface, because she is too busy
being GIGGLY and feeling the ENDORPHINS
to even THINK about the pick-up being

So that ALSO helps you as a result of
having a confident sense of humor.


This is because political correctness
today, whether it is third-wave feminism
or any other politically correct movement
that likes to blame others for all their
problems, is fueled by playing the VICTIM

And it is impossible to be BOTH the
VICTIM and ALSO be the WINNER who
has a sense of HUMOR.

And so political correctness dictates that
its slaves take the self-perspective of
being VICTIMS, and thus STRIPS THEM
from having a sense of HUMOR.

This is why we have a generation of men today
who act like SNOWFLAKES instead of like MEN.

You can see it in how EVERYTHING today
that used to be ACTION AND FUN TV shows
or movies tends to be ALL OUT SERIOUSNESS.

Compared with the tons of awesome adventure
hero shows for young men back in the 80s,
like THE FALL GUY-where the men were politically
incorrect, loved women, and ALSO had a sense

To learn how to GET and SHOW this sense
of confident humor to women, download
my program called Confident Humor
immediately at:

To learn more about political correctness,
check out this other important video I
made on the topic:

To learn about attracting women by DEFYING
political correctness, download my program
on this CRUCIAL topic by going HERE right NOW:

Till next time,

Michael Marks

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