Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Have The World of Women OPEN UP To You

Just wanted to let you know a few really important
points when it comes to attracting women.

The first one deals with your age.  Some men think
that learning how to attract women is something
that only applies to men who are in high school
and college, and that if you are older that it just
isn’t for you.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

If you are a little older, and not in your 20s anymore,
the truth is it becomes even MORE IMPORTANT to
learn how to approach and attract women, because
you aren’t bombarded with the easy opportunities
that you may have previously had in school and

And make no mistake about it, MATURITY is a
precious commodity in our society, and it is something
that keeps getting delayed further and further compared
to how early men matured in previous generations. 

Women want MEN, not boys, and it is HARD for them
to find mature men.  Part of what I mean by maturity
is the ability to not only be sexual with women in your
demeanor when you are interacting and trying to
attract them, but also simultaneously being CLASSY
about the whole process, AND also one MORE thing:

That thing is the ability to SMOOTHLY maneuver PAST
the politically correct brainwashing that she has been
subjected to, and that you as man have also been subjected
to since childhood.

Men are told from BIRTH by the endless messages in the
media, mostly promoted by third-wave feminists and other
politically correct folks, that men are RAPISTS, and that they
are ABUSERS, and that women are INHERENTLY more noble
than men.

Just recently, there was a huge uproar about Johnny Depp
where his wife, or rather ex-wife claimed he was physically
abusive toward her.  And the typical hate-fest against men
again was full blast.

Then, it turns out, that actually this same woman actually
was the one who was previously shown to be physically
abusive, against, believe it or not, HER former GIRLFRIEND.

Similarly, last year, in Rolling Stone magazine, a huge article
was published regarding a woman’s story of her rape on her
university campus by several men.  Then, later, it was proven
that her story was FABRICATED  and that the journalist had
never even QUESTIONED the men she accused!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But the apology which came from the magazine much later
weighs MILLIGRAMS compared to the TONS of damage done
by the FALSE article.  First impressions count, so the apologies
that come LATER aren’t as powerful as the story that comes

And this kind of thing has been going on for YEARS.
YEARS of politically correct DISTORTION against the public’s
perceptions of men.

It makes men feel like they are SINNERS, CRIMINALS for even
WANTING women.

And it makes many women act in very bizarre ways against
innocent men who just want to get to know them.  The
women often DO want and appreciate the effort a guy
makes, because on a biological level they of course
feel it, but on a different level, a level of fear and
bias against men, they tend to SABOTAGE men’s efforts.

So you have men who have been programmed to be
EMASCULATED and DRAINED of sexual energy when
they interact with women, and this DESTROYS
men’s potential with women.

Then, on top of this, you also have women who have
been trained by political correctness to sabotage men’s

The SOLUTION is to UNLEASH your sexual vibes,
but ALSO navigate through her politically-correct
behaviours and reactions to you.

This is where being CLASSY and still sexual is SO
important, and where UNDERSTANDING exactly
HOW to to respond to women’s reactions to you
in the right way is SO IMPORTANT for your success
with women.

As a man with maturity, women expect and hope
that you have figured this all out.  That you will
know how to smoothly bridge from one phase
to the next, from the initial approach to the
flirtation, to building a connection, to getting
physical, to entering into a relationship, etc.

When you know how to do this, THE ENTIRE WORLD

I remember when I first started to enter this world,
and crazy cool things started to happen.

For example, I remember one weekend evening,
being downtown and it was a little late.  I ended
up getting lost and couldn’t find where I had parked.

So I went to ask for some directions, and the closest
person I could find was a hot-dog vendor.    There
were two beautiful women who were there as well
and I ended up turning the whole thing into a GAME.

I turned it into a game that THEY enjoyed.  They
asked me what street it was that I had parked near,
and I told them it was Sesame Street, just to
immediately set the FRAME right.

After that, I reversed roles and told them that the
city is such a dangerous place that I needed them
as bodyguards to protect me as I searched for
where I had parked.

I said this in a vocal tone that was totally masculine
and dominant, which made everything FUNNIER, but
also took care of the POLITICAL CORRECT insanity
by allowing them to ROLE-PLAY something that goes

allows the mind to go ANYWHERE, and I was giving
them a WAY to be with me and enjoy it and not have

After all, they were PROTECTING me!
And I even got them to flank me on both sides, so
there I am, having two gorgeous women surrounding
me, and all the while they are holding me on each side!

I also took my time, meandering around the streets,
giving us all a chance to really get to know each other.   

Then, something ELSE happened that blew my mind.
Some guy in an expensive vehicle saw us and started
to try to call out to the women, and he made sure to
ignore me.  He goes to them “Hey, do you need a lift?”

And the women, before I could even say a WORD,
told the guy “No, we’re lifting him pretty well already!”


The whole thing was blowing my mind, as I was so
new at this, I couldn’t believe it was happening.

And I find out that these women are both very
educated as well. They worked for very high-tech
company but for privacy’s sake I will spare those

Now, get this.  We finally reach where I had parked.
It was now VERY late at night. And it was pretty deserted.
So it was a bit funny, because if they walked back alone,
I honestly felt that it might not be the best thing for them,
and yet I also knew if they came into the vehicle with a
total stranger so late at night in a deserted area, that
might be weird.

But I made it VERY COMFORTABLE for them. I told
them that one of them could sit in the back, and the
other beside me so they could have total control
and jump me whenever they felt!

And by this time anyway we had developed massive
rapport.  They were visiting from a nearby city, and
staying at a hotel. I knew I could have pushed it,
but I was already overwhelmed and honestly wasn’t
going to jump into bed with the even if I could have.

And what do you know? The woman I was particularly
Interested in had “just happened” to leave some of
her stuff in the car, and this gave me the opportunity
to meet with her again.

So there you have it, the DIFFERENCE that occurs
when you KEEP the sexual and the fun in the interaction
(the physical contact, the flirtation, the role playing)
and you REMOVE the politically correct INSANITY from
the equation—the WORLD opens up for you in terms
of women.

And so on that note, I have to suggest a few things to you:

First of all, DOWNLOAD my latest program, called
UNLEASHING SEXUALITY.  This program is absolutely

There is NO WAY for you to FULLY FATHOM how much
political correctness is SCREWING WITH YOUR BRAIN

And IT DESTROYS men's potential with women. 

This new program is about SOLVING that so you can
SKYROCKET your success with women.   
This program is about being more sexual in a world 
that tries to WIPE OUT that important aspect of your vibe.

And yet you MUST HAVE THIS vibe if you want
to attract women.

This program is available for just 48 more hours at the
special INTRODUCTORY price for NEW orders. The price
will go UP in 48 hours.

Download this ESSENTIAL program IMMEDIATELY at:

The next thing I need to mention to you is the power of
BOOTCAMP.  BOOTCAMP allows you to SEE with your
OWN eyes how YOU can attract the women you WANT.

BOOTCAMP makes it all happen right in front of you.
It doesn’t matter what age you are.  A good 35% of the
men who take my programs are in their 50s. These
are men who know what’s important in life, and they
are mature enough to really appreciate what success
on this area means.

And if you are younger, then you are REALLY going to
save yourself so much time by learning these skills NOW.


And of course, if you haven’t downloaded my
BOOK, the book that I feel is the most important
book I have ever written on the topic of attracting
a great woman and keeping her attracted, then
do that immediately at:

Till next time,

Michael Marks

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