Thursday, April 4, 2019

Dating & Relationships: Feminist Vs. Conservative Thinking

It's crucial to understand how feminist, politically-correct thinking is a prescription for DISASTER when it comes to dating and relationships, and how the real solutions for success rest in conservative values because conservative values have the benefit of being developed and perfected over thousands of years, whereas feminist thinking is based on absolute LIES. 

And that is what today's new video is all about:

To learn more about true success with women, go here:

By visiting the link above, you will find out about all my programs, including my LIVE, exclusive, private, one-on-one coaching in person over via Skype or telephone, as well as my live Bootcamp program, and of course my entire series of downloadable video programs, audio programs, and important digital books which you can be using to truly change your life with women in just MINUTES from now.

As you hopefully can see by now even if you are new here, and certainly if you've been around for years, I take this topic VERY seriously. Accuracy and truth are crucial to me.  I make it my duty not to exaggerate and also not to diminish the truth.  The truth is that things today ARE more challenging than ever when it comes to real success with women, but it CAN be done with the right wisdom, knowledge, and skill.

And it would be my honor to be the coach you choose to help you accomplish your goals in this most important area of life. 

Till next time, stay cool.

Michael Marks

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